Monday, July 18, 2011

DMZ / Wine Night

On Judy's day off, her and Jessica got up early to spend the day doing probably one of the most fascinating things a foreigner can do in South Korea, a tour of the DMZ...

The DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) is the strip of land, running roughly along the 38th parallel, that serves as the buffer zone between North and South Korea. It is about 2.5 miles wide and is the most heavily guarded boarder in the world. It was created July 27th, 1953 by the Armistice Agreement (ceasefire) drawn up at the end of the Korean War.

Jessica posing at the entrance to the 3rd Tunnel
So far, South Korea has discovered 4 tunnels dug by the North Koreans.  Each of the 4 tunnels are at different locations and depths along the border, but all aim at the heart of South Korea (and our home), Seoul.

"Freedom Village" (North Korea's propaganda village) in the background.


Within the DMZ is the 'city' of Panmunjum, formerly the site of the JSA (Joint Security Area). While still referred to as the JSA, soldiers are no longer allowed to cross the MDL. The MDL is the Military Demarcation Line, which runs along the DMZ, cutting it and Panmunjum in half, and serves as the 'de facto' border between the two countries.  Within Panmunjum, on their respective sides of the MDL, North and South Korea have their own opposing guards, guard posts, barracks, and even welcome centers.  In the center of Panmunjum are a series of buildings straddling the line, owned by neither country, and used as the location for most communications between the leaders and armed forces of the North and South.

A few (Not quite legal) Google Earth satellite
images of Panmunjum to give perspective:

 The bold, white line represents the Military Demarcation Line

 The MDL actually dissects the three blue buildings, so it's not quite accurate

Inside the building flagged on the satellite images

That thin blue door and skinny guard in Ray Bans are the only things keeping Jessica from Kim Jong's clutches!

North Korea's welcome center

Our tour guide and the propaganda village

For more DMZ photos taken on a previous tour:

After spending the day touring the most dangerous areas in South Korea, and glimpsing over the border at some of the most rigid and restrictive living conditions among first world countries, Judy and Jessica naturally headed to COEX, one of Seoul's largest commercial shopping centers, to meet Andrew, and indulge in a little excessive spending, eating and drinking!

Oh My Rib!

Mr. Pizza's latest pizza innovation, the rib pizza.  And this ain't no processed concoction like the McRib either, this pizza is littered with all natural, bone-in ribs!  Yes, you have to pick the rib up off of your pizza then tear the meat way from the bone!

After a quick walking and shopping tour of the huge underground mall, we headed above ground to the Intercontinental Hotel for their Wine and Appetizer Happy Hour, the real reason for our visit to COEX.

Jessica, Judy & Liz

Ladies Andrew...

Jessica, Tosin, Judy, Andrew & Liz

Showing off photos

A final self-timer shot before Tosin headed home

Tosin was smart to leave when she did.  She got outta there about the time the real effects of the free-flowing wine began to show themselves...

On the long train home

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