Monday, November 28, 2011

Proud Moment

Get in the zone...  Buffet Zone!
(sing to the tune of the Auto Zone jingle!)

We (Andrew especially) were in the 'buffet zone' big time by the end of Judy's time in Korea.  First of all, buffets in Korea are of a different caliber than those in the United States.  We imagine most are more similar to an expensive buffet you'd find in Las Vegas.  But, regardless of the quality of food,  shit did get ugly!  It started innocently enough only going to buffets that also offered unlimited beverages (what we were after), but quickly took a turn for the worse.  After a while our rule of only going to buffets that included drinks flew out the window.  We started to go for the food.  And we were OK with that.  You could say that we enjoyed it.  ☹

Buffets are a serious addiction.  Beware.  

Our trip to Jeju happened somewhere in the height of our never ending eating binge.  Our days there, and the weeks before and after are one big all-you-can-eat blur. 

Our buffet of choice in Jeju was Han's Buffet, a buffet that was featured in the inflight magazine on our flight there.  The article was in Korean, so all we could do was look at the pictures and fantasize about all the things we could cram down the ol' gullet.  And that was enough!  Andrew jotted the name and the location down. 

After walking around the botanic gardens, we decided we were ready for a buffet/lunch so we searched the GPS for Han's.  Jeju was our first time having an English GPS, which you'd think would be more helpful, but not in Korea.  We searched everything we could think of and finally found a listing of "HANSU" under the restaurants.  On a gamble, we tapped OK, and followed the outlined course.
Why the dashboard GPS was invented!

Our gamble paid off, and 'Hansu' was in fact Han's Premium Family Restaurant.  It was great too!  It had the standard Korean dishes, a meat carving station, a chef manned pasta bar and even a brickoven pizza station.  All the food was pretty much as we'd expected it to be:  good, but not fantastic.  The pizza, however, was the best pizza we've had in Korea.  Together, we probably consumed 20+ slices.  Not one of our finest moments...

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