Friday, November 18, 2011

Judy's School Festival

School festivals are big events in Korea.  They are the one time of year when students can show off any and all talents.  And we mean all talents.  Everything from dissection to overtly sexual dance numbers while wearing 6" heels and inappropriately short shorts. Anything goes here, as long as you're not exposing your shoulders!

The view of the rented stage/truck (complete with pyrotechnics) and the beginnings of the crowd from Judy's office window. 

One of the Judy's high level second graders

It was overcast, but that girl wasn't taking any chances with the sun!

Some of the super cool boys from a nearby high school coming to perform at the festival, they don't look quite as cool while walking in front of a dad holding his little boy's peepee into an empty bottle for him to pee in.

Judy was told a month before the festival that because the previous native teacher at her school performed at the school's festival, she would also have to plan a dance or a song to perform for the festival...  Not wanting to do it alone, Judy asked around the English department if anyone was interested in sharing the burden, but of course, she had no takers.  She decided that performing a dance on her own would be extra awkward and uncomfortable for everyone involved, so she went with her other option:  subjecting the school to her lovely singing voice!
Judy's Korean stage debut, "singing" to Taylor Swift "You belong with me"

There's those pyrotechnics!

 Serious Crowd Control

 The gym teacher from Judy's school was in charge of keeping the spectators on the 'lawn' from obstructing the views of the people behind them.  He had his whistle and his stick, and was not afraid to use either.  Half those boys in front of him were in that squatted position because of a whack to the back of the knees!

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